Rural dad

hands across the crib

Does anyone else find this disturbing?

I know this opens the bag of worms that is co-sleeping, as well as that of working parents, single mothers, and perhaps even vaccination madness. Not a chance I'll tackle all of those.

I'm just a little creeped out by disembodied hands holding a baby.

Happy halloween, I guess.

(via sara)


Note to self: The five second rule does not apply when you're talking about vaginal progesterone suppositories.

When it hits the floor, man, it's gone. Plan your partner's prescriptions accordingly.

Infertility Sucks I - The Miscarriage

When we decided that we were ready to have a kid (spring 2005), the dear wife was very gung ho on all of the prenatal things...the vitamins, the ovulation charting, the whole works. It seemed pretty easy, because within a couple of months of 'hitting that' ovulation window, she was pregnant. Hey, that was easy.

Not so much.

About six weeks into that pregnancy, she had a miscarriage. As the guy, you're bummed, sure, since you're looking forward to having a little one that you can warp and weft. But, I was totally unprepared for the depths of depression that my wife went through. We've always been able to work out problems, but this was one that we couldn't help each other out with.

A fair bit of our response bleeds into the next post (Infertility sucks - Why can't we get her knocked up again?), but we found ourselves in a monthly swing...timing when we can have sex for the month, hoping that I don't have a work trip planned for that week, sometimes getting our timing together, then waiting 2 weeks, only to have her go through a swing of negativity and crabbiness when the negative pregnancy test comes through. It got so I would welcome the chance to get the hell out of dodge and let her stew by herself. But, I know doing that doesn't help the problem.

Fortunately | unfortunately, we had some friends go through the same thing early this year. They're in a similar mental state now...him doing the "guy thing" and trying to put it past him, mostly by keeping busy, and she's still hoping to "just cuddle"...she wants some down time to spend with the two of them. These things express differently for everyone....but come to think of it, not so differently.

Infant duds

I have no doubt that this topic will be covered in many and varied ways, at it has at many other blogs, but I like McSweeney's take on acceptable vs unacceptable verbiage for infants (via baby roadies)

I'm quite fond of "Property of Child and Family Services".

"Mommy needs a drink" from Bumberlam is a close second.


Counting down

After a miscarriage, then a year of trying to get pregnant again, it would seem that we've managed to conceive our first child....again. But our fingers are crossed, because anything can happen.

We are a married, mid-thirties couple living in a rural area of Oregon. It would seem the daddy-blog phenomenon is focussed on those who live in cities and towns, while leaving out the very unique challenges posed to those of us who love where we live in the sticks.

I guess I could have called this blog 'redneck dad,' but it doesn't really fit my blue-state mentality. While I have a pickup, a dog (2, actually), and a shotgun, my chewing tobacco consumption is minimal, and I do not own any motorized recreational toys.

Our christmas lights do stay up all year long, however.

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