Rural dad

vegan mistakes

We were vegetarians for years before we started raising livestock, mostly so that we could feel good about eating animals. Even at my highest point in vegetarian idealism, I could never get the vegan thing...protein is too good, and soy is too bad. It would seem that these 2 took the vegan thing to a new and painful level.

via Jennifer

farm dogs

In the spirit of farm dog nastyness, here's another bit of snark by Ryan Taylor regarding the ongoing pat food - melamine disaster

Pet food's been a hot topic as of late. There've been product recalls, contaminated wheat gluten, salmonella-laced pet treats, and lots of recipes for "homemade" pet food.

When we heard the news on our ranch, we didn't have to rush out and check the label on our dog food. I guess you could say our two ranch mutts have been on a bit of a homemade diet their whole life.

I wouldn't say their diet is free of contaminants, but it's never killed them.

I don't know that I could recommend the ranch dog diet to anyone who's concerned about the safety of off-the-shelf dog food. But I'll share with readers the ingredients that keep our dogs well fed and happy.

Carnivore canines

Our dogs have a varied, seasonal diet. In spring, they roam the calving pasture in search of the expelled placenta of parturition. I know it's pretty gross, but I'm sure I'm not the only rancher with dogs who prefer afterbirth to dry dog food.

In summer, they travel the calf branding circuit to gorge themselves on what we daintily refer to as Rocky Mountain Oysters. They'll eat all day long on the byproduct that results when bulls are turned into steers. They'll have a bit of a hangover the next day, but they're always recovered by the next branding.

Throughout the year, they trot up and down the byways in search of fresh roadkill. Sometimes they settle for less-than-fresh roadkill, or carrion as they call it. Rabbits, deer, raccoons - I know what they're grazing on because they usually drag a drumstick or two back to the yard.

Ranch dogs don't mind eating wild turkey once in a while. I've never seen this myself, of course, but I've heard of ranches where a turkey will mysteriously die on occasion when there're a hundred of them lined up on the feed bunks every morning.

Like all good ranchers with impeccable management, I, of course, never lose a cow or a calf to sickness, weather or chance. But I've heard of guys who lose calves and have a ranch dog or two helping with the carcass disposal.

Their dogs will disappear behind the hill for a couple hours every day, drag back a leg bone or two, and they see a noticeable decline in the draw down on the 50-pound sack of co-op elevator dog food they keep in the shop.

Not for all

Nobody needs to write and tell me how dangerous the ranch dog diet is for a loving pet and companion. I'm certain that these free-roaming eating activities are completely out of balance with the required nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

But I'm not about to chain them up. Part of the joy of country living is letting your dogs be dogs and enjoy some freedom. Of course, running free does have them eating like a coyote most days.

I think the diet does toughen them up a bit. They fend off salmonella, scoff at bacteria, and might even survive a dose of melamine in a contaminated batch of wheat gluten.

And, in light of everything that's been in the news, I'll let them take their chances out on our meaty domestic range before I head to town to buy any imported Chinese wheat gluten.

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Are you gonna put that in your mouth?

from kevin, in Time

They line the nursery section children’s toy stores like brightly colored candies: rubber duckies for bathtime, chewable rings for teething, soft-covered books for pawing and mouthing. Parents shopping for their babies can be forgiven if they assume that everything on those shelves is 100% child safe. So why did the city of San Francisco issue a ban last week on the sale of certain plastic toys aimed at children under 3? And why are activists warning holiday shoppers in the most alarming terms against buying them? “Sucking on some of these teethers and toys,” says Rachel Gibson of Environment California, a nonprofit, “is like sucking on a toxic lollipop.”

At issue are contaminants in plastics used to make the toys. Environmentalists have long argued that some of these chemicals can leach out and harm children, pointing to animal studies that link the substances to birth defects, cancer and developmental abnormalities. Those warnings are hotly disputed by the chemical industry and toy manufacturers, which cite stacks of scientific studies that have found the plastics to be safe at federally approved levels. But the issue has gained traction on the strength of new evidence from independent and university-sponsored studies. The European Union has banned some chemicals in toys since 1999, and now half a dozen state legislatures are considering similar laws.

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Lactation economics

Mothers, kids health, and the natural world

Plant knowledge key to childhood health in remote Amazon

...mothers who had knowledge of local plants well above the average were more likely to have children with better health, whereas mothers who had less than the average knowledge were more likely to have children with worse indicators of health and nutrition.

I've always been a plant person, and enjoyed learning the health benefits of our local flora. In college, there were always jokes that I was the "Level 3 herbalist" when a roommate dropped his bike into a thicket of poison oak, and I tracked down the mugwort to wipe down the bike and his hands. Now someone has quantified the effect on kids.

To a great extent, Tsimane survival and well being is dependent on their knowledge of local plants, in everything from managing their environment to getting food and preventing and curing disease, explained Reyes-García. "However, globalization threatens this knowledge to the extent that formal schooling and jobs in emerging markets devalue folk knowledge and provide access to products not made from local resources, but without providing adequate medical treatment substitutes,"

In our globalized world with disastrous health care policies, people who know the herbal treatments to common maladies will come out ahead financially and in terms of health. Now where's that homeopathy book???

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Co-sleeping horror story, and misc updates

We're about 10 weeks out now....this whole birth thing is going to get really, well, real here soon.

We're planning on Cosleeping, and have just ordered our Arm's Reach co-sleeper. Hypnobirthing classes went great. Our sunday afternoon review of Happiest Baby on the Block was enlightening, and now I've got techniques for reining in the squalling with the added bonus of not having to read the book.

And from the Lactivist, this trite piece of pseudo journalism. 'Nuff said.


In the vein of circumcision, here's a partial transcript, reconstructed after the fact, of a conversation my wife had with her father (a non-practicing Jew married to a Colombian Catholic) regarding circumcision.

Wife: So we looked into circumcision for the little guy, and I don't think we're going to do it.
Grandpa: {silence}
W: Hello?
GP: Did you say cesarian?
W: No, dad, circumcision. You know, foreskins and all that?
GP: Why wouldn't you want to circumcize him?
W: Well, all of the medical data says that there isn't really a benefit to it. The APA no longer recommends it. And it seems a little cruel.
GP: Well what does your pediatrician think?
W: She fully supports not circumcizing.
GP: Well, have you thought about getting a second opinion?
W: From who, dad? {Seeing it coming from a mile away....}
GP: How about a rabbi?

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